With Beelinguapp you can practice your language skills by reading and listening to stories, articles and songs on your Android phone, your iPhone or your tablet.
You can choose the texts which interest you the most from a diversified library containing adventure stories, classics, fairy tales and stories for children, as well as articles about science, technology, culture and similar content. You will also find useful conversations you may need when travelling to another country and connecting with locals.
If you want to intensify your learning experience, we can recommend you to take advantage of the following options:
- You can filter the texts by level of difficulty, in order to practice with the content that best fits your competence
- You can select a specific content category, or more than one, to immediately see the content you are interested in
- For each text you read you have the possibility to add vocabulary you want to memorize to a glossary, to make it easier for you to review that vocabulary
- Use our Flashcards game to play with your glossary words and memorize them in an easy and fun way
- See the translation of a specific word or phrase and listen to it by selecting it through a long click
- Hide the translation of a text and read it only in your target language once you feel confident enough
- Test your comprehension by answering questions about the content you read at the end of a text