
Learn Hindi

It's never been simpler to learn Hindi. Simply read interesting and entertaining texts. Using Beelinguapp's Hindi lessons, you can learn the symbols while also practicing your pronunciation.

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More than 4 Million downloads and 60,000 ratings on Google Play and Apple App Store can't be wrong.

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Exactly as the pictures show. Interesting method in teaching bilingual readings. Wide variety of material without downplaying the virtual assistant directs us in the methodology adopted in teaching and reinforcing the chosen language. It's a good tool for both learning and for improving the language, based on reading (and phonetic) in parallel ... Thank you ! I think the course is excellent.

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Vinay S.
Noida, India

The app is useful for reading material such as current news and stories. Recently watching ads to get access to certain material has occurred but overall as long as it stays quality, free, and does what it's suppose to without becoming ad-city I am on board for a few more years!

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Nailah D.
New York, USA

Is it difficult to learn Hindi?

To summarise it, learning Hindi can be challenging. Learning Hindi is more difficult for a native English speaker than learning most other languages. With similar sounding words and subtle differences, the enunciation is vastly different. The cadence and tone of the speech require special attention. Furthermore, the grammar placement of subjects, predicates, verbs, and nouns differs significantly from that of English.

About Hindi

Hindi is an Indo-Aryan language that is primarily spoken in India. Along with English, it is one of the two official languages of the Government of India. It is an official language in nine states and three union territories, as well as a secondary official language in three other states.

Many Pakistanis who speak Urdu, which, like Hindi, is a standard register of the Hindustani language, find Hindi easy to understand; additionally, Indian media is widely viewed in Pakistan.

Did you know?

After Mandarin, Spanish, and English, Hindi is the world's fourth most spoken language in the world.

How does Beelinguapp help you learn Hindi?

By displaying text in both your native language and Hindi, Beelinguapp's special method allows you to learn Hindi fluently. With the amazing audiobook feature with karaoke animation, which allows you to follow the text while learning, you will also improve your listening and speaking skills without even noticing it.

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