
Learn Italian with Beelinguapp

Simply read and listen to Italian texts and let your brain make the connections. You can learn by consuming interesting stories, news, and even music using the Beelinguapp method. Give it a shot!

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More than 4 Million downloads and 60,000 ratings on Google Play and Apple App Store can't be wrong.

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Exactly as the pictures show. Interesting method in teaching bilingual readings. Wide variety of material without downplaying the virtual assistant directs us in the methodology adopted in teaching and reinforcing the chosen language. It's a good tool for both learning and for improving the language, based on reading (and phonetic) in parallel ... Thank you ! I think the course is excellent.

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Vinay S.
Noida, India

The app is useful for reading material such as current news and stories. Recently watching ads to get access to certain material has occurred but overall as long as it stays quality, free, and does what it's suppose to without becoming ad-city I am on board for a few more years!

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Nailah D.
New York, USA

Is it difficult to learn Italian?

Italian is from the group of Romance languages which include Spanish, Portuguese, and French. So, if you have any knowledge of these languages, it will make learning Italian a bit easier. ‘Related’ languages that belong to the same group often have quite a lot of shared vocabulary and their grammatical structures are similar in some way, too.

For an English speaker, Italian is relatively easy to learn (unlike Russian or Japanese).

About Italian

Italian belongs to the Indo-European language family and is a Romance language. It is the most closely related national language to Latin, from which it descended via vulgar Latin.

Italy, Switzerland (Ticino and the Grisons), San Marino, and Vatican City all have Italian as an official language. It is also an official minority in western Istria (Croatia and Slovenia).

Being a major European language, Italian serves as one of the official languages of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and one of the Council of Europe's working languages. It is the second most widely spoken native language in the European Union, with 67 million speakers, and 13.4 million EU citizens speak it as a second language. Together with the speakers in non-EU countries (such as Switzerland, Albania and the United Kingdom) and those on other continents, the total number of Italian speakers is around 85 million.

Did you know?

Because of its use in musical terminology and opera, Italian is known as the language of music; numerous Italian words referring to music have become international terms that have been adopted by various languages around the world. Its influence is also felt in the arts, as well as the food and luxury goods markets.

How does Beelinguapp help me learn Italian?

Beelinguapp's unique language learning method allows you to learn Italian by displaying text and audio in both your native language and Italian. With this incredible audiobook feature with karaoke animation, which allows you to follow the text while learning Italian organically, you will improve your listening and speaking skills without even noticing it.

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