
Learn French with Beelinguapp

French is easy when you use your mobile phone and with audiobooks designed for beginners, intermediate, and advanced users. Read entertaining texts while improving your French grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation simultaneously.

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More than 4 Million downloads and 60,000 ratings on Google Play and Apple App Store can't be wrong.

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Exactly as the pictures show. Interesting method in teaching bilingual readings. Wide variety of material without downplaying the virtual assistant directs us in the methodology adopted in teaching and reinforcing the chosen language. It's a good tool for both learning and for improving the language, based on reading (and phonetic) in parallel ... Thank you ! I think the course is excellent.

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Vinay S.
Noida, India

The app is useful for reading material such as current news and stories. Recently watching ads to get access to certain material has occurred but overall as long as it stays quality, free, and does what it's suppose to without becoming ad-city I am on board for a few more years!

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Nailah D.
New York, USA

Is French hard to learn?

It generally depends on the language you begin with. French, for example, is very different from English.

The most obvious issue is the pronunciation.

Certain words in French are the same as they are in many other languages, but it can be difficult to notice if you are not reading it.

About French

French is an Indo-European language that belongs to the Romance family.

It is estimated to have approximately 76 million native speakers, 235 million daily, fluent speakers and an additional 77–110 million people who speak it as a second language, primarily in Africa.

As an official language of 29 countries spread across five continents, French is spoken as a first language in France, parts of Canada, Belgium, western Switzerland, Monaco, parts of Luxembourg, parts of the United States, the autonomous region of Aosta Valley in northwestern Italy and a few other communities.

After English and Standard Mandarin Chinese, Bloomberg Businessweek ranked French as the third most useful language for business in 2011.

Did you know?

Many international organizations, including the United Nations, the European Union, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the World Trade Organization, use French as their primary or secondary language.

How does Beelinguapp help me learn French?

Beelinguapp's unique method allows you to learn French fluently by displaying text in both your native language and French. You will improve your listening and speaking skills without even realizing it thanks to the amazing audiobook feature with karaoke animation, which allows you to follow the text while learning.

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