
Learn Chinese with Beelinguapp

Chinese is hard, make it simple! Greatly improve your Chinese skills by simply read texts in both Chinese and your native language simultaneously to discover the differences.

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Exactly as the pictures show. Interesting method in teaching bilingual readings. Wide variety of material without downplaying the virtual assistant directs us in the methodology adopted in teaching and reinforcing the chosen language. It's a good tool for both learning and for improving the language, based on reading (and phonetic) in parallel ... Thank you ! I think the course is excellent.

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Vinay S.
Noida, India

The app is useful for reading material such as current news and stories. Recently watching ads to get access to certain material has occurred but overall as long as it stays quality, free, and does what it's suppose to without becoming ad-city I am on board for a few more years!

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Nailah D.
New York, USA

Is Chinese hard to learn?

Multiple factors combine to make Chinese one of the most difficult languages for native English speakers to learn. With a distinct writing system, grammar, and even a distinct pronunciation style and sound.

About Chinese

The earliest Chinese written records are bone inscriptions, which can be dated to 1250 BCE. The phonetic categories of Old Chinese can be reconstructed from the rhymes of ancient poetry. During the Northern and Southern dynasties period, Middle Chinese went through several sound changes and split into several varieties following prolonged geographic and political separation.

In the 1930s, Standard Chinese, based on the Beijing dialect of Mandarin, was adopted. It is now an official language of both the People's Republic of China and Taiwan, one of Singapore's four official languages, and one of the United Nations' six official languages.

Literate speakers of mutually incomprehensible dialects share the written form, which employs the logograms known as Chinese characters.

Did you know?

While the Internet has cemented English's position as the most commonly used (second) language, Chinese (Mandarin) remains the most commonly used mother tongue.

How does Beelinguapp help me learn Chinese?

By seeing a text in both your native language and Chinese, you can improve your Chinese skills greatly and practice:

  • Reading
  • Speaking
  • Listening
  • Vocabulary

  • Beelinguapp teaches you everything you need to know so that your Chinese skills improve as you read.

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