
Learn Arabic with Beelinguapp

Left to right, right to left, it just works! Let your brain do the work. Read texts in Arabic and learn the language comparing to your native language.

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More than 4 Million downloads and 60,000 ratings on Google Play and Apple App Store can't be wrong.

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Exactly as the pictures show. Interesting method in teaching bilingual readings. Wide variety of material without downplaying the virtual assistant directs us in the methodology adopted in teaching and reinforcing the chosen language. It's a good tool for both learning and for improving the language, based on reading (and phonetic) in parallel ... Thank you ! I think the course is excellent.

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Vinay S.
Noida, India

The app is useful for reading material such as current news and stories. Recently watching ads to get access to certain material has occurred but overall as long as it stays quality, free, and does what it's suppose to without becoming ad-city I am on board for a few more years!

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Nailah D.
New York, USA

Is Arabic hard to learn?

There are dozens of Arabic dialects, and they can be very different from one another.

Because Arabic has a non-Latin alphabet, it takes some getting used to a new writing system with different characters. The absence of most vowels in words makes reading and writing in Arabic particularly difficult for beginners. Some of the sounds used are either not found in other languages or are unfamiliar to English speakers.

Arabic is also written from right to left rather than left to right, which requires some practice.

About Arabic

The Arabic language previously arose in the first to fourth hundreds of years and it is the most widely used language of the Arab world.

This language is generally instructed in schools and colleges and is accustomed in working environments, government and the media. It is the authority language of 26 states, just as the ceremonial language of the religion of Islam, since the Quran and Hadith were written in Arabic.

Did you know?

Numerous European dialects have additionally acquired many words from Arabic since it was a significant vehicle of culture in Europe, particularly in science, arithmetic and theory.

How to learn Arabic while reading with Beelinguapp?

With Beelinguapp’s method you will learn Arabic fluently by seeing a text in both your native language and Arabic.

  • Listening
  • Reading
  • Speaking

  • Beelinguapp teaches everything so that your arabic skills keep improving as you read.

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