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Five Productivity Hacks; Part II

Five productivity hacks to become more effective at work.

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Five Productivity Hacks; Part II

Five productivity hacks to become more effective at work.

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Wake up early
A study conducted by biologist Christoph Randler in 2009 suggests that early risers might be more likely to succeed, because they are more proactive than people who perform better in the evening. During the early hours there are fewer distractions, which allows you to focus without disruption.

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Five Productivity Hacks; Part II in English Five Productivity Hacks; Part II in Spanish Five Productivity Hacks; Part II in German Five Productivity Hacks; Part II in Swedish Five Productivity Hacks; Part II in Italian Five Productivity Hacks; Part II in Japanese Five Productivity Hacks; Part II in Korean Five Productivity Hacks; Part II in Portuguese Five Productivity Hacks; Part II in French Five Productivity Hacks; Part II in Turkish Five Productivity Hacks; Part II in Hindi