
Key Vocabulary

Pediatric patient
Paciente pediátrico

Fighting Cancer with Laughter

Sergio Gallegos dresses up as a superhero to treat children with cancer.

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Fighting Cancer with Laughter

Sergio Gallegos dresses up as a superhero to treat children with cancer.

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Sergio Gallegos dresses as a superhero to care for children with cancer.
When he arrived to the Civil Hospital of Guadalajara, only 34% of the pediatric patients with that illness were cured; today, that figure has increased to 80%. On February 4, World Day against Cancer according to UN, will be special for all the children with that disease that are attended in the Civil Hospital of Guadalajara. Their life passes between medics and chemotherapies , but they smile: their doctor has not forgotten that hope is synonym of childhood. It is Sergio Gallegos, who that day will leave, once more, the white coat because he will not receive patients, but princesses, superheroes and superheroines.
He will be a prince.

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