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Why Did Ancient Civilizations Build Pyramids?; Part II

A fascinating look into the history of pyramids and its meaning, What did all the civilizations who built them had in common?by Cultura Colectiva

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Why Did Ancient Civilizations Build Pyramids?; Part II

A fascinating look into the history of pyramids and its meaning, What did all the civilizations who built them had in common?by Cultura Colectiva

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When we talk about these buildings, the most common thing is to mention the most important architectonic features of each civilization. For instance, through pyramids, these cultures would display their intellectual and social power. If some foreigner visited these places, they would be intimidated by the greatness of those edifices. Also, some of these have been associated with religious matters, such as the veneration of gods.

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Why Did Ancient Civilizations Build Pyramids?; Part II in English Why Did Ancient Civilizations Build Pyramids?; Part II in Spanish Why Did Ancient Civilizations Build Pyramids?; Part II in German Why Did Ancient Civilizations Build Pyramids?; Part II in Swedish Why Did Ancient Civilizations Build Pyramids?; Part II in Italian Why Did Ancient Civilizations Build Pyramids?; Part II in Japanese Why Did Ancient Civilizations Build Pyramids?; Part II in Korean Why Did Ancient Civilizations Build Pyramids?; Part II in Portuguese Why Did Ancient Civilizations Build Pyramids?; Part II in French Why Did Ancient Civilizations Build Pyramids?; Part II in Turkish Why Did Ancient Civilizations Build Pyramids?; Part II in Hindi