
Key Vocabulary


What Is Stem Cell Therapy?; Part I

A short story about stem-cells and what can they do for you.

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What Is Stem Cell Therapy?; Part I

A short story about stem-cells and what can they do for you.

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Probably, you’ve heard about stem-cell therapy. But, what is it exactly? How does it work?
Stem-cell therapy is the use of stem cells to treat or prevent a disease or condition. Stem cells are cells that can differentiate into other types of cells. Stem cells can also divide in self-renewal to produce more of the same type of stem cells.

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What Is Stem Cell Therapy?; Part I in English What Is Stem Cell Therapy?; Part I in Spanish What Is Stem Cell Therapy?; Part I in German What Is Stem Cell Therapy?; Part I in Swedish What Is Stem Cell Therapy?; Part I in Italian What Is Stem Cell Therapy?; Part I in Japanese What Is Stem Cell Therapy?; Part I in Korean What Is Stem Cell Therapy?; Part I in Portuguese What Is Stem Cell Therapy?; Part I in French What Is Stem Cell Therapy?; Part I in Turkish What Is Stem Cell Therapy?; Part I in Hindi