
Key Vocabulary

work-life balance
equilibrio entre trabajo y vida personal

The Beautiful Tradition of Fika in Sweden

This text describes the Swedish tradition of 'Fika', a social coffee break that is an integral part of Swedish culture. It discusses the significance of Fika in Swedish society, the treats enjoyed during Fika, and the drinks that are commonly served.

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The Beautiful Tradition of Fika in Sweden

This text describes the Swedish tradition of 'Fika', a social coffee break that is an integral part of Swedish culture. It discusses the significance of Fika in Swedish society, the treats enjoyed during Fika, and the drinks that are commonly served.

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The Beautiful Tradition of Fika in Sweden in English The Beautiful Tradition of Fika in Sweden in Spanish The Beautiful Tradition of Fika in Sweden in German The Beautiful Tradition of Fika in Sweden in Swedish The Beautiful Tradition of Fika in Sweden in Italian The Beautiful Tradition of Fika in Sweden in Japanese The Beautiful Tradition of Fika in Sweden in Korean The Beautiful Tradition of Fika in Sweden in Portuguese The Beautiful Tradition of Fika in Sweden in French The Beautiful Tradition of Fika in Sweden in Turkish The Beautiful Tradition of Fika in Sweden in Hindi