
Key Vocabulary


The Moon Rabbit; part II

Over the centuries, people have identified the dark markings on the Moon as a rabbit or hare. Learn about the myth of the Moon Rabbit.

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The Moon Rabbit; part II

Over the centuries, people have identified the dark markings on the Moon as a rabbit or hare. Learn about the myth of the Moon Rabbit.

Read and listen to this story in Beelinguapp!

The Aztec legend is very similar. The god Quetzalcoatl decided to live on Earth as a man. He started a journey. After may days of walking, he was very tired and hungry. His search for food was unsuccessful. He thought he was going to die. A rabbit nearby heard him. The rabbit offered himself as food to save Quetzalcoatl's life.

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The Moon Rabbit; part II in English The Moon Rabbit; part II in Spanish The Moon Rabbit; part II in German The Moon Rabbit; part II in Swedish The Moon Rabbit; part II in Italian The Moon Rabbit; part II in Japanese The Moon Rabbit; part II in Korean The Moon Rabbit; part II in Portuguese The Moon Rabbit; part II in French The Moon Rabbit; part II in Turkish The Moon Rabbit; part II in Hindi