
Key Vocabulary

To hike
Ir de excursión

Backpacking to Machu Picchu; Part I

Laia embarks on a backpacking adventure through Machu Picchu. Read this story and learn useful vocabulary and phrases for traveling.

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Backpacking to Machu Picchu; Part I

Laia embarks on a backpacking adventure through Machu Picchu. Read this story and learn useful vocabulary and phrases for traveling.

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I had traveled more than 12 hours by plane to get to Cusco. All I brought were my backpack and the excitement of making a trip I had dreamed of for a long time. A bus waited for me at the airport to take me to my hotel. I would spend three days in Cusco before visiting Machu Picchu.

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Backpacking to Machu Picchu; Part I in English Backpacking to Machu Picchu; Part I in Spanish Backpacking to Machu Picchu; Part I in German Backpacking to Machu Picchu; Part I in Swedish Backpacking to Machu Picchu; Part I in Italian Backpacking to Machu Picchu; Part I in Japanese Backpacking to Machu Picchu; Part I in Korean Backpacking to Machu Picchu; Part I in Portuguese Backpacking to Machu Picchu; Part I in French Backpacking to Machu Picchu; Part I in Turkish Backpacking to Machu Picchu; Part I in Hindi