
Key Vocabulary

Long sleeve
Manga larga

Three Japanese Holidays; part II

Japan is well know for its rich culture. Here are three Japanese celebrations that you must know about.

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Three Japanese Holidays; part II

Japan is well know for its rich culture. Here are three Japanese celebrations that you must know about.

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Coming of Age Day
In most countries, becoming an adult is an important event. Coming of Age Day has been a national Japanese holiday since 1948. It is celebrated every year on the second Monday of January. On this day, Japanese people welcome new adults into society.

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Three Japanese Holidays; part II in English Three Japanese Holidays; part II in Spanish Three Japanese Holidays; part II in German Three Japanese Holidays; part II in Swedish Three Japanese Holidays; part II in Italian Three Japanese Holidays; part II in Japanese Three Japanese Holidays; part II in Korean Three Japanese Holidays; part II in Portuguese Three Japanese Holidays; part II in French Three Japanese Holidays; part II in Turkish Three Japanese Holidays; part II in Hindi