
Key Vocabulary

Western region
Región occidental
Were trapped
Quedaron atrapados
Manage to survive
Se las arregló para sobrevivir

Three Great Survivors; Part I

For some people staying alive has been a matter of luck. The stories of these three great survivors are examples of this.

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Three Great Survivors; Part I

For some people staying alive has been a matter of luck. The stories of these three great survivors are examples of this.

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Each century faces its own problems: we have overcome money crises; we have suffered hurricanes and earthquakes. We also have been through many wars, and every year doctors find new diseases. Life goes on, but for some people staying alive has been a matter of luck. The stories of these three great survivors are examples of this.

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Three Great Survivors; Part I in English Three Great Survivors; Part I in Spanish Three Great Survivors; Part I in German Three Great Survivors; Part I in Swedish Three Great Survivors; Part I in Italian Three Great Survivors; Part I in Japanese Three Great Survivors; Part I in Korean Three Great Survivors; Part I in Portuguese Three Great Survivors; Part I in French Three Great Survivors; Part I in Turkish Three Great Survivors; Part I in Hindi