
Key Vocabulary

Ventilation system
Sistema de ventilación

The Toilet that Sank the German Submarine

The story of how a World War 2 German submarine was sunk because of its malfunctioning toilet

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The Toilet that Sank the German Submarine

The story of how a World War 2 German submarine was sunk because of its malfunctioning toilet

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The Toilet that Sank the German Submarine.
On April 6, 1945, a German navy submarine named the U-1206 departed from the port city of Kristiansand, in Nazi-occupied Norway, and began its first combat patrol. Assigned to the waters of the North Atlantic, its mission was to seek out and destroy British and American ships on the high seas.
For the 50-man crew aboard submarines like the U-1206, life wasn’t just extremely dangerous, it was also very unpleasant: Quarters were cramped, and the bathrooms were no exception. There were only two toilets, and because one of the heads was right next to the galley, the space was often used to store food. In those cases, the toilet was unavailable, meaning the entire crew had to share the remaining toilet.

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