
Key Vocabulary

renewable energy
energía renovable
wind turbines

Sweden Sprinting Ahead in the Renewable Energy Race

The article discusses Sweden's impressive progress in renewable energy, its impact on various sectors, and the country's commitment to sustainability.

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Sweden Sprinting Ahead in the Renewable Energy Race

The article discusses Sweden's impressive progress in renewable energy, its impact on various sectors, and the country's commitment to sustainability.

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Sweden Sprinting Ahead in the Renewable Energy Race in English Sweden Sprinting Ahead in the Renewable Energy Race in Spanish Sweden Sprinting Ahead in the Renewable Energy Race in German Sweden Sprinting Ahead in the Renewable Energy Race in Swedish Sweden Sprinting Ahead in the Renewable Energy Race in Italian Sweden Sprinting Ahead in the Renewable Energy Race in Japanese Sweden Sprinting Ahead in the Renewable Energy Race in Korean Sweden Sprinting Ahead in the Renewable Energy Race in Portuguese Sweden Sprinting Ahead in the Renewable Energy Race in French Sweden Sprinting Ahead in the Renewable Energy Race in Turkish Sweden Sprinting Ahead in the Renewable Energy Race in Hindi