
Key Vocabulary

Tar barrels
Barriles de alquitrán
Black buns
Bollos negros

New Year's Eve Around the World; Part II

Take a look at some of the most interesting traditions of New Year's Eve around the world.

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New Year's Eve Around the World; Part II

Take a look at some of the most interesting traditions of New Year's Eve around the world.

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United Kingdom: fire and the first-foot
One of the most striking traditions in the United Kingdom is the Tar Bar'l in Allendale. Every New Year's Eve, this town becomes the center of one of the world's best fire festivals. Forty-five men, known as guisers, carry flaming tar barrels on their heads through the streets of the town.

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New Year's Eve Around the World; Part II in English New Year's Eve Around the World; Part II in Spanish New Year's Eve Around the World; Part II in German New Year's Eve Around the World; Part II in Swedish New Year's Eve Around the World; Part II in Italian New Year's Eve Around the World; Part II in Japanese New Year's Eve Around the World; Part II in Korean New Year's Eve Around the World; Part II in Portuguese New Year's Eve Around the World; Part II in French New Year's Eve Around the World; Part II in Turkish New Year's Eve Around the World; Part II in Hindi