
Key Vocabulary


Life at School; Part I

An entertaining description of life in school in latin america and the world. Written by the Colombian youtuber Lulu99

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Life at School; Part I

An entertaining description of life in school in latin america and the world. Written by the Colombian youtuber Lulu99

Read and listen to this story in Beelinguapp!

What can we say about the place where we are locked for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week?
Not much, at least I thought so.
What we live in school is fun up to a certain point. We meet our best friends, and we learn new things that will help us for the rest of our lives.
But not everything is happiness. There are also sad times, problems with your classmates or teachers, and most importantly; the grades. The most anticipated day of the year arrives. If you were a bad student and you slept all the time, you’ll face it. Your mother will be there with your report card in the left hand and a flip flop in the right hand.

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Life at School; Part I in English Life at School; Part I in Spanish Life at School; Part I in German Life at School; Part I in Swedish Life at School; Part I in Italian Life at School; Part I in Japanese Life at School; Part I in Korean Life at School; Part I in Portuguese Life at School; Part I in French Life at School; Part I in Turkish Life at School; Part I in Hindi