
Key Vocabulary

May consist
Puede consistir
Chili pepper

Breakfast Around the World; part III

Have you ever stopped to think about what people around the world have for breakfast? Take a look.

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Breakfast Around the World; part III

Have you ever stopped to think about what people around the world have for breakfast? Take a look.

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Mexican Breakfast
Unlike people from other countries, many Mexican people take a light breakfast and a more heavy breakfast called “almuerzo”. Early in the morning, it is common to take a light breakfast. Usually, it is a cup of coffee or chocolate, sweet bread and fruit.

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Breakfast Around the World; part III in English Breakfast Around the World; part III in Spanish Breakfast Around the World; part III in German Breakfast Around the World; part III in Swedish Breakfast Around the World; part III in Italian Breakfast Around the World; part III in Japanese Breakfast Around the World; part III in Korean Breakfast Around the World; part III in Portuguese Breakfast Around the World; part III in French Breakfast Around the World; part III in Turkish Breakfast Around the World; part III in Hindi