
Key Vocabulary

Happy holidays
Felices fiestas
Family gathering
Reunión familiar
Take a seat
Toma asiento

At a Party; Part I

A simple conversation at a holiday celebration.

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At a Party; Part I

A simple conversation at a holiday celebration.

Read and listen to this story in Beelinguapp!

Inviting Someone to a Party
"Hello, Paulo!"
"Hello, Anna!"
"What are you doing tonight?"
"Nothing special. I will call my family in Brazil and wish them happy holidays."
"Oh, I am attending a family gathering at my parents' house. Would you like to come with me?"

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At a Party; Part I in English At a Party; Part I in Spanish At a Party; Part I in German At a Party; Part I in Swedish At a Party; Part I in Italian At a Party; Part I in Japanese At a Party; Part I in Korean At a Party; Part I in Portuguese At a Party; Part I in French At a Party; Part I in Turkish At a Party; Part I in Hindi