
Key Vocabulary

Spanish flu
Gripe española

Three Great Survivors; Part III

For some people staying alive has been a matter of luck. The stories of these three great survivors are examples of this.

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Three Great Survivors; Part III

For some people staying alive has been a matter of luck. The stories of these three great survivors are examples of this.

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Mukhtar Ahmed
Can you imagine surviving two pandemics? This is the case of Mukhtar Ahmed. Ahmed lives in Delhi. He is 107 years old. He was only four years old when the Spanish flu hit the world. Ahmed lost his family in an accident. He lives with another family that has welcomed him with open arms.

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Three Great Survivors; Part III in English Three Great Survivors; Part III in Spanish Three Great Survivors; Part III in German Three Great Survivors; Part III in Swedish Three Great Survivors; Part III in Italian Three Great Survivors; Part III in Japanese Three Great Survivors; Part III in Korean Three Great Survivors; Part III in Portuguese Three Great Survivors; Part III in French Three Great Survivors; Part III in Turkish Three Great Survivors; Part III in Hindi