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Historic events
Hechos históricos

Three Good News Stories From Twenty Twenty; Part I

2020 was full of many historic events that will be long remembered. Read three good news stories from 2020.

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Three Good News Stories From Twenty Twenty; Part I

2020 was full of many historic events that will be long remembered. Read three good news stories from 2020.

Read and listen to this story in Beelinguapp!

2020 was a year like no other. There is no doubt that it was a difficult year for everyone.
Yes, 2020 was marked by the coronavirus pandemic, but it was full of many other historic events that will be long remembered. And luckily, not all of them were bad news. Let's share some good stories from 2020.

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Three Good News Stories From Twenty Twenty; Part I in English Three Good News Stories From Twenty Twenty; Part I in Spanish Three Good News Stories From Twenty Twenty; Part I in German Three Good News Stories From Twenty Twenty; Part I in Swedish Three Good News Stories From Twenty Twenty; Part I in Italian Three Good News Stories From Twenty Twenty; Part I in Japanese Three Good News Stories From Twenty Twenty; Part I in Korean Three Good News Stories From Twenty Twenty; Part I in Portuguese Three Good News Stories From Twenty Twenty; Part I in French Three Good News Stories From Twenty Twenty; Part I in Turkish Three Good News Stories From Twenty Twenty; Part I in Hindi