
Key Vocabulary

salto de potro
balance beam
barra de equilibrio

Simone Biles: Strength and Balance

This text is about the life and career of Simone Biles, an exceptional gymnast. It covers her early life, her rise to fame, the challenges she faced, and her impact on the world of sports.

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Simone Biles: Strength and Balance

This text is about the life and career of Simone Biles, an exceptional gymnast. It covers her early life, her rise to fame, the challenges she faced, and her impact on the world of sports.

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Simone Biles: Strength and Balance in English Simone Biles: Strength and Balance in Spanish Simone Biles: Strength and Balance in German Simone Biles: Strength and Balance in Swedish Simone Biles: Strength and Balance in Italian Simone Biles: Strength and Balance in Japanese Simone Biles: Strength and Balance in Korean Simone Biles: Strength and Balance in Portuguese Simone Biles: Strength and Balance in French Simone Biles: Strength and Balance in Turkish Simone Biles: Strength and Balance in Hindi