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A Day for Children; A Mexican Tradition

In Mexico, Children's Day is celebrated each year on April 30. Learn more about this popular holiday.

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A Day for Children; A Mexican Tradition

In Mexico, Children's Day is celebrated each year on April 30. Learn more about this popular holiday.

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World Children's Day is celebrated on November 20 to commemorate the Declaration of the Rights of the Child.
In 1925, the World Conference for the Well-Being of Children created an annual "Children's Day" to recognize the importance of children's rights and well-being. The United Nations suggested that each country choose its own date to celebrate it.

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A Day for Children; A Mexican Tradition in English A Day for Children; A Mexican Tradition in Spanish A Day for Children; A Mexican Tradition in German A Day for Children; A Mexican Tradition in Swedish A Day for Children; A Mexican Tradition in Italian A Day for Children; A Mexican Tradition in Japanese A Day for Children; A Mexican Tradition in Korean A Day for Children; A Mexican Tradition in Portuguese A Day for Children; A Mexican Tradition in French A Day for Children; A Mexican Tradition in Turkish A Day for Children; A Mexican Tradition in Hindi