“Liebling” & More Sweet German Nicknames To Call Your Loved Ones
01 February 2023
By Sarah Angela Almaden

Unsplash: Sierra NiCole Narvaeth
Are you in need of a new and interesting way to call your special someone? Then use German pet names or Kosenamen! Of course, we understand that the German language may not be your first pick when it comes to coming up with sweet terms of endearment, but this beautiful language is not exempt from any darling terms that can make someone’s foot pop. You know that thing that happens in the movies, when something mushy happens then someone’s foot just pops. So… say tschüss to the usual English terms for your bae like “sweetheart,” “sugarplum,” and “sweet pea” because German is here to the rescue.

Two things to know about German Terms of Endearment:
- Many German nicknames come from animal names. So, don’t be surprised if you hear common pet names like Hasenfürzchen (bunny fart) or Bärchen (little bear).
- Most German affectionate terms are diminutive versions of regular words. These words sound so cute and sweet that they never fail to make you feel the butterflies.
- Snail: Schnecke, Schneckchen
- Darling: Liebling
- Angel: Engel, Engelchen, Engelein
- Sweetie pie: Schnucki
- Treasure: Schatz
- Sweetheart: Liebchen
- Cutie: Schnuckelchen, Schnuckel, Schnuckiputzi
- Pearl: Perle
- Little cuddle bear: Schmusebärchen
- Little mouse bear: Mausebärchen
- Little mouse tooth: Mausezähnchen
- Sweetie: Süßer
- Smooch cheeks: Schmusebacke
- Most beloved: Liebster
- Cute bear: Bärchen
- Mouse: Maus
- Bunny: Hase
- Little bird: Vögelchen
- Love: Liebe
- Bee: Biene
- Cuddles: Biene
- Gummy bear: Gummibärchen
- Little strawberry: Erdbeerchen
- Little honey bee: Honigbienchen
- Nibble snail: Schnuckelschneke
- Bunny fart: Hasenfürzchen
- Little hedgehog snout: Igelschnäuzchen
- Sparrow: Spatz
- Little sparrow: Spatzi
- My heart: Mein Herz