“Alda” & More Cool German Slang Words To Learn

Unsplash: Alexander Dummer
If you’re out in any town in
feeling lonely and so cold, all you have to do is find a cute,
shaded spot at a park and start people-watching. Then, you can
see what people do best and you can also hear their fun and
interesting, even possibly intriguing conversations. Now, that’s
a very
thing to do. Hah. Just kidding. That is actually rude. So don’t
do it. Don’t ever do it. In fact, listening to private
conversations in Germany (or on any planet) is not nice, so try
not to snoop around and listen to private talks.
However, there is something wonderful about conversations and
the words people use, especially in German. Not to mention, if
these conversations are exclusively yours, they are even more
special. Because sometimes, these conversations use a lot of
code words. Other times, these conversations use a lot of
slang terms. In a way, you can say that these conversations hold the
golden key to a world of German stories you’ve never heard of
before. But these German stories wouldn’t be inherently
without the use of
slang words. Right? Well, here’s a mini glossary of German slang
for you.
- nonsense: Quatsch (kwusch)
- is everything okay: Alles klar? (ah-les kluhr)
- idiot: Horst (horst)
- what’s up: Alles fit? (ah-les fit)
- loser: Lusche (loh-scheh)
- rich showoff: Bonze (bon-zeh)
- money: Kohle (koh-leh)
- know-it-all: Besserwisser (bes-ser-fis-ser)
- cute: putzig (put-zik)
- to chill: chillen (chillen)
- cheeky: kess (kas)
- hello: hallöchen (ha-lo-schen)
- yes and no: jein (yein)
- no: nee (nee)
- hey: na (nah)
- wicked: abgefahren (ab-geh-fah-ren)
- sure: klar (klahr)
- great: klasse (klas-seh)
- no way: Auf keinsten (awf kayn-sten)
- cool: geil (gayl)
- take care: Mach’s gut (mak’s gut)
- dude / mate: Alter (al-ter) / Alda (al-dah) / Alta (al-tah)
- awesome: Eins A (ayns ah)
- get lost: hau ab (haw ab)
- hi: moin (moyn)
- dude: Digga (dig-guh)