How To Say “I Love You” in 5 Languages
February 10, 2022
By Sarah Angela Almaden

Unsplash: Sai De Silva
Guess the phrase: it is made up of three words and eight letters. When it is said, the moment becomes unforgettable. How it is said, is something very memorable. Do you have a guess on what it is?
The answer is, “I Love You.”
The phrase is simple yet very beautiful and powerful. The meaning behind it is a very human emotion that great thinkers and writers often talk about. Love is a never fleeting, recurring theme in films, plays, music, poems, novels, and many more. Perhaps, it is love that makes the world go round!
As universal and everlasting the saying “I love you” is, do you know how to say it in different languages?
- Te amo – I love you
- A deeper and more romantic way of expressing love to a romantic partner(s).
- Te quiero – I love you or I care about you
- This phrase is a milder version of the term “Te amo.” Its common translation is “I love you” but the phrase doesn’t hold such deep romantic feelings.
- Je t’aime – I love you
- The simplest way to say “I love you” in French.
- Je t'aime beaucoup – I like you very much
- This phrase is used to say when you are not totally in love and not ready to say “I love you” yet.
- Je t'aime a la folie – I’m madly in love with you
- An intense way of saying “I love you” and could also mean “I love you so much.”
- Ti amo – I love you
- This simple and important Italian phrase reflects the romantic love for a significant other.
- Ti voglio bene – I love you
- This is used more between family and friends than with lovers, a way to show unconditional love and affection.
- Sono innamorato – I’m in love with you
- You say this when you are falling in love with your special person.
- Ich liebe dich – I love you
- The classic way to say “I love you” in German.
- Ich bin bis über Ohren verliebt – I'm head over heels in love with you
- The best way to declare your strong feelings for that special someone.
- Ich steh auf dich – I’m so into you
- A not-so-scary declaration of love when you are smitten.
- Aishiteru (愛してる) – I love you deeply
- A deeper, higher, and more intense way of saying “I love you.”
- Suki da ( 好きだ) – I like you
- Suki da is more commonly used than “Aishiteru.” Depending on the context, the phrase can also mean “I love you.”
- Daisuki da (大好きだ) – I really like you
- This phrase is a stronger and more direct version of saying “I like you” but it could also be used to say “I love you.”