The Benefits Of Audiobooks For Learning Languages

Unsplash: @redcharlie
There are two types of people in the world: a Paperback reader and an Audiobook listener. If you prefer one or the other, that is okay! Reading is always enjoyable no matter the medium of choice! But today, let’s explore 5 benefits of audiobooks for learning a language!
Before we begin, did you know that Thomas Edison predicted that people would enjoy listening to audiobooks? No, he was not a part-time psychic but he knew that the great invention of the phonograph would revolutionize the mode of communication, “for the preservation of languages they would be invaluable.” The idea of using audiobooks to learn a language has been around for a while. Cool, huh?
1. Improves Pronunciation And Fluency
From the moment we wake up to the moment we are tucked in bed ready to get some shut-eye, we are constantly fidgeting with our gadgets. Possibly doing some quick reading but what better way to unwind than by listening to an audiobook! You’re not only relaxing your eyes but you’re also “improving your reading fluency and speaking accuracy.” You will begin to notice the nuances and subtleties of the speaker’s voice and hear the intonations of words, which are both helpful when learning another language.
2. Builds Critical Thinking Skills
Are you a busy bee who barely has time for reading? Worry not! Try listening to an audiobook when doing your morning chores, when going for a run, or even when resting under a willow tree.
Listening to an audiobook is not a lazy way of reading a book, rather it is a great source of relaxation, away from the distractions of your surroundings. Believe it or not, listening to an audiobook “builds critical thinking skills.”
As you are listening intently to an audiobook, your brain is thinking and processing information, as well as analyzing plots simultaneously, wondering what will happen next: Will Nick Young finally propose to Rachel Chu on this trip to Singapore? (Crazy Rich Asians, anyone?) (spoilers not included)
3. Helps You Understand The Story Better
When listening to an audiobook, you are immediately transported to another world–the world of the story you are listening to, whether it be Neverland, Hogwarts, or a quaint small town.
The expressive voice of the narrator(s) creates this vivid and beautiful imagery of stories and characters “helping you understand the story better,” by tapping in the visual part of the brain. As a result, a simple story feels more like a zippy and zappy, sensory experience, one you will remember for ages.
4. Beneficial For People With Visual Impairments And Other Reading Disabilities
Audiobooks are also very “beneficial to those who are visually impaired and those with reading disabilities.” People with attention disorders also find audiobooks more effective than reading a physical book, because listening to a story is more engaging and easier to pay attention to.
This alternative format makes reading and learning more accessible for many people, as you get to enjoy a book whenever and wherever you are. With audiobooks, you only need a pair of headphones attached to your phone or tablet and off you go. Happy listening!
5. Practice Self-Care
Just like reading a physical book, listening to an audiobook helps reduce stress and negative thinking. There are hundreds if not thousands of audiobooks available for you to listen to, from humorous stories to thrilling adventures – there is a story just right for you.
Listening to an audiobook is an effortless activity, so a fun thing you can do at the same time is to “practice self-care” like putting on a face mask or cooking a delicious meal. You can even listen to an audiobook to help you fall asleep. What can you not do when listening to an audiobook?

When in doubt, read aloud. Or maybe just download an audiobook and start listening along. Listening to an audiobook might seem boring or uncool to some, but it’s not. It’s an entertaining activity that you can share with your friends and family. You can even learn a new language by listening to an audiobook by downloading Beelinguapp!
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