How To Say “Penguin” In Different Languages

Unsplash: Jason Row
It is estimated that there are about 18 species of
in the world. But some do like to argue that there are actually
anywhere from 17 to 22 penguin species. These flightless birds
are known to live in colonies, aka rookeries, along the cooler
waters of the
Southern Hemisphere. To be specific, only two species live on the Antarctic coasts
(Emperor and Adélie) while the rest are found around the
sub-Antarctic islands. On the other hand, there is one more of these adorable
species that lives just right up north of the equator.
Unfortunately, these are the rarest and they are known as the
Galápagos penguins.
The small but not the smallest Galápagos penguin is just one of
the many penguin species out there. Due to climate change and
loss of nesting sites and their small population and several
more reasons, the population of this
group of penguins is in decline. Sadly, this population decline
is similar to other penguin species like the African penguin,
Erect-crested penguin, Northern Rockhopper penguin, to name a
few. Anyway, before you read more about the rest of the 18
penguin species, as well as learn about the beauty and diversity
of the animal kingdom, find out what “penguin” is called around
the world.
- English: penguin (peng-gwin)
- Italian: il pinguino (il ping-gwee-noh)
- Spanish: el pingüino (el ping-gwee-noh)
- German: der Pinguin (der ping-gween)
- Dutch: de pinguïn (de ping-gween)
- Korean: 펭귄 (peng-gwin)
- Japanese: ペンギン (peng-gin)
- Indonesian: pinguin (ping-ween)
- Mandarin Chinese: 企鹅 (qì'é)
- Brazilian Portuguese: o pinguim (oh ping-gweem)
- European Portuguese: o pinguim (oh ping-gweem)
- Vietnamese: chim cánh cụt (keem kan koo)
- Swedish: pingvin (ping-vin)
- French: le manchot (luh man-sho)
- Norwegian: pingvin (ping-vin)
- Greek: πιγκουίνος (pin-kouínos)
- Turkish: penguen (peng-gwehn)
- Arabic: البطريق (albatariq)
- Russian: пингвин (ping-vin)
- Tagalog: penguin (peng-gween)
- Icelandic: mörgæs (mur-guys)
- Ukrainian: пінгвін (pin-hvin)