16 Common Questions To Ask In Arabic

20 August 2024
By Sarah Angela Almaden
Japanese House
Unsplash: Euan Cameron

When you need an icebreaker and your mind is blank so you don’t know what to say, I say ask a question. That way your conversation is off to a very demure, very mindful, very cutesy, and very respectful start (thanks Jools Lebron for the demuresy tip <3). In other words, you want to start your conversation in an friendly and engaging way, and asking a question is one way to accomplish that. The question can be anything from "how was your weekend" to "when is your birthday." As you can tell, these questions are not very scary questions at all. They are just questions, simple and plain questions, like a loaf of plain sliced bread.

  1. how are you: كيف حالك؟ (kayf halika)
  2. how are you doing: كيف حالك؟ (kayf halika)
  3. how old are you: كم عمرك؟ (kam eumarka)
  4. how is the weather: كيف الطقس؟ (kayf altaqsi)
  5. how was your weekend: كيف كانت عطلتك الأسبوعية؟ (kayf kanat eutlatuk al'usbueiatu)
  6. where is the toilet: أين الحمّام؟ ('ayn alhmmam)
  7. what is your name: ما اسمك؟ (ma asmuk)
  8. what time is it: كم الساعة؟ (ma hu alwaqtu)
  9. how much: كم التكلفة؟ (kam altaklifati)
  10. can I pay with credit card: هل يمكنني الدفع ببطاقة الائتمان؟ (hal astutie aldafe biwasitat bitaqat aytimani)
  11. when is your birthday: متى عيد ميلادك؟ (mataa yahin eid miladiki)
  12. can you help me: هل يمكنك مساعدتي؟ (hal yumkinuk musaeadati)
  13. do you speak English: هل تتكلم الانكليزية؟ (hal tatakalam bial'iinjiliziati)
  14. where is the store (supermarket): أين المتجر؟ (ayn almahali)
  15. what did you think of the party: ما رأيك في الحفل؟ (ma rayuk fi alhizbi)
  16. what is your favorite color: ما لونك المفضل؟ (ma hu allawn almufadal ladayka)

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