How To Say “I’m vegan” In Different Languages

19 September 2024
By Sarah Angela Almaden
Japanese House
Unsplash: Sweet Life

Nope, the words “veganism” and “vegan” were not created in 2010 for pop culture. In fact, the word “veganism” dates all the way back to the 1940s, coined by vegetarians who excluded both animal and dairy products from their diets. And the word “vegan” dates all the way back to the 1940s, cleverly crafted by Donald Watson from the first three and last two letters of the word "vegetarian,” the name was also suggested by George A. Henderson and his wife Fay K. Henderson, both early members of The Vegan Society.

Now, what exactly is veganism? Veganism is, according to The Vegan Society, a philosophy and a way of living – veganism is the practice of not using and not eating any type of animal derived products. If you follow this lifestyle, you are a vegan.

There’s more context to the history and details of veganism, but let’s save that for another time. For now, here's a guide on how to say “I’m vegan” in different languages.

  • English: I am vegan (eye am vee-guhn)
  • French: Je suis vegan (je swee vay-gon)
  • Spanish: Soy vegana (soy veh-ga-nah) *feminine, Soy vegano (soy veh-ga-noh) *masculine
  • Afrikaans: Ek is vegan (ek is vee-gun)
  • Indonesian: Saya vegan (sah-yah vey-gan)
  • Turkish: Ben veganım (ben veh-gah-nuhm)
  • Albanian: Unë jam vegan (oo-nuh yahm veh-gahn)
  • Filipino: Ako ay vegan (ah-koh eye vee-gun)
  • Basque: Beganoa naiz (beh-gah-noh-ah nah-ees)
  • Catalan: Jo sóc vegà (joh sohk veh-gah)
  • Hindi: मैं शाकाहारी हूं (mein sha-kah-hah-ree hoon)
  • Swedish: Jag är vegan (yahg air vay-gahn)
  • Norwegian: Jen er veganer (yai air veh-gah-ner)
  • Polish: Jestem weganinem (yeh-stehm veh-gah-neen-em)
  • Finnish: Olen vegaani (oh-len veh-gah-nee)
  • Russian: Я веган (ya vegan)
  • Japanese: 私はビーガンです (watashi wa bīgandesu)
  • Ukrainian: Я веган (yah veh-gahn)
  • Mandarin Chinese: 我是純素食者 (wǒ shì chún sù shí zhě)
  • Italian: Sono vegano (soh-noh veh-gah-noh) *masculine, Sono vegana (soh-noh veh-gah-nah) *feminine
  • German: Ich bin vegan (ik bin vay-gahn)
  • Dutch: Ik ben veganist (ik ben vay-gah-nist)
  • Brazilian Portuguese: Sou vegano (soh veh-gah-noh) *masculine, Sou vegano (soh veh-gah-nah) *feminine
  • European Portuguese: Eu sou vegan (yo soh veh-gan)
  • Greek: Είμαι βίγκαν (ee-meh vee-gahn)
  • Arabic: أنا نباتي (‘ana nabati)
  • Korean: 나는 비건 채식을 해요 (nah-neun bee-guhn che-shik-ul heh-yo)

Whether you are or you are not vegan, you should start learning a new language!