The Many Ways To Say “Thank You” In Italian

Unsplash: sterlinglanier Lanier
The polite phrase “grazie “ in
thank you
in English) is an expression that never gets old no matter
how many times you say it. You can hear this social nicety
uttered almost everywhere in Italy, be it at the
town market, the trendy restaurant, the old
gelato shop, or even at the very ordinary and possibly boring
elevator. Perhaps, that’s because this simple phrase is one
of the many ways to show
and appreciation to the kind people doing kind deeds to you
and to those around you.
Now, if you’re learning
Italian, you should best be aware that there are many
“thank you”
variations there are in the Italian language. Just like
there are many “thank you” variations there are in the
English language including “thank you very much,” “thanks a
lot,” “thank you, thank you,” “a million thanks,” and more.
Anyway, if you have a moment to spare in your day, go ahead
and use this list to learn the different ways of saying
"thank you" in Italian
- Thank you: Grazie (grahtsi-eh)
- Thank you very much: Grazie mille (grahtsi-eh mihleh)
- No, thank you: No, grazie (noh grahtsi-eh)
- Many thanks: Tante grazie (tahnti grahtsi-eh)
- Thanks a lot: Molte grazie (molteh grahtsi-eh)
- Thanks in advance: Grazie in anticipo (grahtsi-eh in ahntichipoh)
- Infinite thanks: Grazie infinite (grahtsi-eh infinite)
- Thanks again: Grazie ancora (grahtsi-eh ahncorah)
- Thanks a bunch: Grazie un sacco (grahtsi-eh un sako)
- Thank goodness: Grazie al cielo (grahtsi-eh al cheloh)
- Thank you with all my heart: Grazie di cuore (grahtsi-eh di kwohreh)
- Heartfelt thanks: Grazie di cuore (grahtsi-eh di kwohreh)
- Thank you for everything: Grazie di tutto (grahtsi-eh di toohtoh)
- I don’t have words to thank you: Non ho parole per ringraziarti (non ho pahrohleh per ringrahtsi-ari)
- I owe you a favor: Ti devo un favore (ti dehvoh un fahvoreh)
- Warm thanks: Cordialmente grazie (cordialmenteh grahtsi-eh)
- All my gratitude: I miei ringraziamenti (eee myeh ringrahtsi-ahmenti)
- Thank you sincerely: Sinceramente grazie (sincheramenteh grahtsi-eh)