How To Express Your Emotions In German

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How are you feeling today? You don’t have to say okay if you’re not feeling okay. You can say any emotion you are feeling, because you are human and you are allowed to feel emotions, deeper than you’ve ever dreamed of and higher than the heavens above. Sounds familiar? Well, that’s because the one and only Mariah Carey released a catchy song in 1991 called “Emotions.” In the song, Mimi expresses how in love and alive this special person makes her feel. To quote her “You’ve got me feeling emotions… I don’t know if it’s real. But I like the way I feel inside.”
Just like Mariah Carey, you can feel feelings and emotions and you can express them however you want. If you’re feeling good and happy, you can sing about it. If you’re feeling sad and mad, you can cry about it. Expressing how you feel is healthy and important. After all, you’re not a robot who feels nothing (no offense to the other bots who might feel the feels).
And if you’re learning German, wouldn’t it be cool to know how to express yourself in German? Knowing how to say “I love you” or “I feel sick” in German could be very beneficial for you as you no longer have to pantomime what you need to say. So, how are you feeling today? Please, answer the question in Deutsch.
German Feelings and Sensations
- the emotion – die Emotion
- the mood – die Laune
- the feeling – das Gefühl
- to feel – sich fühlen
- happy – glücklich
- nervous – nervös
- proud – stolz
- tired – müde
- calm – gelassen
- bored – gelangweilt
- disappointed – enttäuscht
- angry – wütend
- excited – aufgeregt
- depressed – deprimiert
- lonely – einsam
- satisfied – zufrieden
- sad – traurig
- the joy – die Freude
- the love – die Liebe
- the hate – der Hass
- the surprise – die Überraschung
- the hunger – der Hunger
- the thirst – der Durst
- the pain – der Schmerz
German Emotion Expressions
- How are you? – Wie geht’s?
- Don’t be so nosy. – Sei nicht so neugierig.
- I love you. – Ich liebe dich.
- I like you. – Ich mag dich.
- I feel great! – Ich fühle mich toll!
- I am scared! – Ich habe Angst!
- I hate you. – Ich hasse dich.
- I feel awful. – Ich fühle mich elend.
- I feel sick. – Mir ist übel.
- I don’t like you. – Ich mag dich nicht.
- I’m embarrassed. – Mir ist peinlich.
- Why are you sad? – Warum bist du traurig?
- I am sad. – Ich bin traurig.
- I am nervous. – Ich bin nervös.
- I am confused. – Ich bin verwirrt.
- I am a little grumpy. – Ich bin etwas griesgrämig.
- I am curious. – Ich bin neugierig.
- I am worried. – Ich habe Sorgen.
- No worries. – Keine Sorge.
- I am hopeful. – Ich bin hoffnungsvoll.
- I’m feeling completely down. – Ich bin voll down.
- I am upset. – Ich bin verärgert.