A Quick Guide To Walkie Talkie Codes

In a time of great expectations and greater technological advances, there is still nothing like a good ol’ walkie talkie. A walkie talkie is not a toy but a handy device that you can use to communicate with others. It’s like a smartphone but without all the fancy frills and razzle-dazzles.
You can use a walkie talkie to talk to your friends about anything from important messages to secret codes. As you know, talking in codes is a way for people to communicate without being understood as well as a timeless artform. People develop their secret codes for their own special reasons. Do you have a secret code of your own?
Well, using a walkie talkie to communicate with others sounds like a cool way to get your message across. It’s very different, maybe even more intimate, depending on who you ask. And the thing about using a walkie talkie though, is that it never goes out of style.
Think of the show Stranger Things and how a walkie talkie is used throughout the series to communicate right away throughout Hawkins. With a walkie talkie, you will never lose contact with your friends and family. Just don’t forget to charge it or change the battery.
Before you use your handy walkie talkie, master some codes so you know how to use the lingo properly and that way you don't get others confused. Copy that, Roger.
Basic Codes
- Affirmative = Yes
- Copy = Message understood
- Disregard = Ignore the previous message
- Negative = No
- Roger or Roger that = Message understood
- What’s your 20? = What’s your location
- Do you copy? = Can you hear me
- Loud and Clear = Your radio is working
- Radio Check or Mic Check = Is my radio working
- Say Again or Go Again = Say your message again
- Over = I’m done with my transmission, ready for your reply
- Out = I’m done transmitting for now
- 10-1 = Signal is bad; transmission is received poorly
- 10-2 = Signal is good; transmission is received well
- 10-3 = Stop the transmission
- 10-4 = Transmission is received
- 10-5 = Relay the message to (name or someone else)
- 10-6 = Stand by, busy
- 10-7 = Out of service
- 10-8 = In service
- 10-9 = Repeat message
- 10-10 = Transmission is completed, please stand by
- 10-11 = Talking too fast
- 10-12 = Visitors are present
- 10-13 = Road conditions and advise weather
- 10-14 = Escort or convoy
- 10-15 = We have prisoner in custody
- 10-16 = Make a pick up at
- 10-17 = Urgent business
- 10-18 = Anything for us?
- 10-19 = Nothing for you
- 10-20 = Location