"Rococo" And 24 More Words To Be A Champion Speller

Scripps National Spelling Bee
Buzz. Buzz. Do you love words? Do you love spelling words? Do you have what it takes to be a Scripps National Spelling Bee Champion? If you’ve answered yes to all or most of the questions, then here’s a quarter of words to help you get started.
Before you start drilling these words, here’s a short index of information about the famous Scripps National Spelling Bee:
- the National Spelling Bee was founded in 1925 by the Louisville Courier-Journal in Kentucky to encourage kids to become more interested in spelling
- Pauline Bell was the first female Bee Champion, and she won by correctly spelling the color "cerise"
- Merriam-Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary is the official dictionary of the National Spelling Bee
- the contender is given two minutes to spell the world
- a secret Spelling Bee Word Committee exists, and the names of the members of it are never disclosed
- the term “connoisseur” is a frequently used word on the Spelling Bee list
- the Scripps National Spelling Bee was the most tweeted show of 2015, surpassing "Game of Thrones" and "The Bachelorette"
1. Rococo
Pronunciation: ruh-co-co
- (adjective) referring to an 18th-century artistic style marked by delicate asymmetrical forms and intricate embellishments
- (adjective) something very elaborate
2. Pusillanimous
Pronunciation: pyoo-si-la-ni-mus
- (adjective) something or someone that lacks courage and determination
3. Carapace
Pronunciation: cah-ruh-pays
- (noun) the hard outer shell of an animal like a turtle or a crab
- (noun) a protective covering
4. Meringue
Pronunciation: meh-rang
- (noun) dessert item made by beaten egg whites and sugar
- (noun) a sweet treat made with beaten egg whites and sugar that is baked until crisp
5. Pulchritude
Pronunciation: puhl-kreh-tood
- (noun) beauty
6. Argot
Pronunciation: ar-go
- (noun) specific language or slang used by a particular group of people
7. Bucolic
Pronunciation: byoo-ko-lik
- (adjective) relating to the aspects of country life or rural life
8. Bobolink
Pronunciation: bah-bah-link
- (noun) a songbird from the American blackbird family that lives in North America
9. Andouille
Pronunciation: ahn-du-ee
- (noun) a spicy pork sausage used in Cajun dishes
10. Rathskeller
Pronunciation: rat-skeh-ler
- (noun) a restaurant or a beer tavern in the basement
11. Heuristic
Pronunciation: hyoo-ris-tik
- (adjective) a way to learn something that helps people problem-solve efficiently
- (noun) the study and use of heuristic methods
12. Degauss
Pronunciation: deh-gahs
- (verb) to remove unwanted magnetic field
13. Degauss
Pronunciation: ee-treeh-feh-russ
- (adjective) something that has the element yttrium
14. Sinophile
Pronunciation: si-nuh-file
- (adjective) in support of the Chinese policies
- (noun) someone with a strong interest in Chinese culture
15. Boudin
Pronunciation: boo-din
- (noun) a rice sausage with rice meat or seafood
- (noun) a French type of spicy blood sausage
16. Dengue
Pronunciation: deng-gehy
- (noun) a viral disease caused by mosquitoes causing sudden fever, rash, and joint pains
17. Jicama
Pronunciation: hi-ca-muh
- (noun) an edible root that can be eaten raw or cooked, usually used in Mexican dishes
18. Nicoise
Pronunciation: ni-swaz
- (noun) name of a salad connected with the city of Nice, France
- (adjective) salad served with tomatoes and olives (Nicoise ingredients)
19. Atlatl
Pronunciation: at-la-tel
- (noun) a stick for throwing a spear used by some various North American indigenous peoples
20. Ennui
Pronunciation: ahn-wee
- (noun) a feeling of dissatisfaction and despair
21. Oolite
Pronunciation: oh-uh-lite
- (noun) a rock made of rounded grains of calcium carbonate
22. Steeplechase
Pronunciation: stee-pel-chase
- (noun) a horse race with obstacles like hedges and walls
- (noun) a 300 meters obstacle race with a water jump
23. Incomprehensible
Pronunciation: ihn-com-pre-hen-seh-bel
- (adjective) hard to understand
24. Unwonted
Pronunciation: un-won-ted
- (adjective) rare
25. Quidnunc
Pronunciation: kwid-nungk
- (noun) someone who is always up to date on the latest gossip