How To Say “Please” In Different Languages

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“Please” is an English word that starts with the letter “p” and ends with the letter “e” and it rhymes with the words freeze, squeeze, bees, trapeze, and sneeze. The word is also a shortened version of the phrase “if you please” or “if it pleases you.” People use the magic word “please” to show proper etiquette and politeness when asking for something or making a request. Like “will you please pass the salt” or “please fold the towels” or “may I please use the bathroom.”
This magic word is not only available in the English language because the rest of the languages of our Blue Planet also have their own version or versions of this word. Do you think even Martians have their way of saying the word “please?” Because I kind of think they have many versions of this human magic word.
- English: please (plees)
- Spanish: por favor (por fa-vor)
- French: s’il vous plaît (sil voo pleh), s'il te plaît (sil teh pleh)
- Filipino: pakiusap (pa-ki-oo-sap), please (plees)
- Dutch: alsjeblieft (als-jeb-leeft), alstublieft (als-toob-leeft)
- Swedish: snälla (snel-lah)
- Korean: 제발 (jeh-bahl)
- Mandarin Chinese: 请 (qǐng or ching)
- Japanese: おねがいします(oh-neh-gah-ee shee-mas)
- Polish: proszę (proh-sheh)
- Indonesian: tolong (toh-long)
- Brazilian Portuguese: por favor (por fa-vor)
- European Portuguese: por favor (por fa-vor)
- Turkish: lütfen (looft-ehn)
- Danish: vær venlig (vair ven-lee)
- Greek: σε παρακαλώ (seh pah-rah-kah-loh)
- Thai: โปรด (proht)
- Norwegian: værsåsnill (vair-soh-sneel)
- German: bitte (bih-teh)
- Italian: per favore (per fa-voh-reh)
- Swahili: tafadhali (tah-fah-dah-lee)
- Vietnamese: vui lòng (vuy long)