Let’s “Confabulate” And Master New Words With Hocus Pocus 2

"Come little children, I’ll take thee away into a land of enchantment. Come little children. The time has come to play here in my garden of magic," as Sarah Sanderson would say. To all the witches around the world, it’s time to light up your Black Flame Candle this midnight because your favorite Sanderson sisters are back!
The Sanderson sisters are the three wickedly-goofy witches of the Halloween fantasy movie called Hocus Pocus 2. The movie is a sequel to the cult classic Hocus Pocus from 1993, which starred Bette Midler, Kathy Najimy, and Sarah Jessica Parker.
In Hocus Pocus 2, two teenagers—Becca and Izzy— accidentally lit up a Black Flame Candle which resurrected Mary, Sarah, and Winifred Sanderson. As a result, the legendary Sanderson sisters from the 17th century return to modern-day Salem child-hungry and in search of revenge right before dawn on All Hallow’s Eve.
One way or another, this film is a mildly-haunting fantasy for both witches and non-witches alike, So if you’re in the mood for a not-so-scary Halloween movie, check out Hocus Pocus 2 on Disney+. For now, here’s a list of possibly spellbinding English words for you to learn that may or may not be related to Halloween. Stay spooky!
- Confabulate
Meaning – to talk
Sentence – The sisters are looking for a private place to confabulate.Giphy
- Apothecary
Meaning – a pharmacist
Sentence – The apothecary is not here, so Winifred is making her own medicine.Giphy
- Simpleton
Meaning – a gullible person
Sentence – Her simpleton like outfit startled the witches.Giphy
- Hoax
Meaning – something that deceives someone
Sentence – He believes the legend of the Sanderson sisters is a hoax.Giphy
- Begone
Meaning – go away
Sentence – As soon as she said “Begone,” she quickly disappeared.Giphy
- Dolt
Meaning – someone who is stupid
Sentence – She thinks he’s being a dolt right now.Giphy
- Wrath
Meaning – strong anger
Sentence – They can feel her wrath, even though she keeps saying she’s calm.Giphy
- Mischief
Meaning – someone or something that causes trouble
Sentence – The innocent black cat is always causing mischief.Giphy
- Aralia berry
Meaning – fruit that looks like blueberry but not edible
Sentence – They found five Aralia berries and now they feel powerful.Giphy
- Bewitch
Meaning – to charm someone
Sentence – Winifred is bewitching the crowd with her singing.Tenor
- Matzah ball
Meaning – a Jewish soup dumpling
Sentence – The store ran out of matzah balls for the five of us.Giphy
- Thank thee
Meaning – another way to say Thank you
Sentence – “I thank thee Becca, for bringing us back to life” says Winifred.Tenor / Hocus Pocus 2
- Amok
Meaning – to behave uncontrollably
Sentence – The sisters are flying amok after 30 years of sleeping.Giphy / Disney+