How To Learn A Language By Immersion Reading

Unsplash: Dillion Shook
Spring has definitely sprung. The days are getting longer. The grass is growing and the leaves on the trees are unfurling in all shades of green. The flowers are blooming in vibrant colors. The bees are buzzing. And the sniffles and sneezes of the dreaded allergy season are right in front of you – achoo, bless you.
If you’re in pursuit of a new hobby this time of year, in addition to your spring duties, you must try learning a new language by immersion reading. Think about it, you + the fresh spring breeze + the garden view + immersion reading = IG-worthy shot of Bloomcore.
Reading a book is a leisure activity that transports you from one place to another, chapter by chapter. When reading, your brain is actively processing information about the story, the language, and all its trappings. In a way, you are constantly losing yourself in the grand words and creating visuals of the material, all while trying to understand what is happening.
On the other hand, listening to an audiobook is also a leisure activity that allows you to escape at any time, any place, and anywhere. As soon as you hit the “play” button, the narration begins and off you go, carried away into another world, captivated by your imagination. When listening to an audiobook, your brain is stimulated emotionally and cognitively, similar to when you are reading a book.
But if you combine reading and listening to an audiobook that is called immersion reading. Think of immersion reading as a more powerful and effective way of learning a second language. And that is because immersion reading helps you acquire the language naturally by reading and listening to a text, instead of memorizing vocabulary and grammar rules.
Learning a second language is not a one-way street, as this brain activity requires different tools to keep you engaged. And, perhaps, you can even say that immersion reading is that extra, needed element to help balance your language studies.
So if you’re ready for a string of casual reading engagements to pep up your language learning, then you must try immersion reading. Here are four helpful tips to get you started in adding immersion reading to your language study.
Tip 1: Create a reading schedule
It is important to develop a calendar when starting a new activity like learning a second language. Establishing a schedule helps you identify your task and purpose. At the same time, sticking to your daily reading schedule helps cement the activity as part of your routine, helping you feel more productive and accomplished.
Tip 2: Look for audiobooks in your target language
There are so many audiobooks translated in different languages out there for you. Once you’ve identified the content in your target language that gets your heart beating like a drum, then you’ve discovered something you can use to help narrow down your search.
Tip 3: Download Beelinguapp
With Beelinguapp, you can read and listen to stories and news articles in different languages. Our bilingual audiobooks are presented in a parallel-text format, where the content is placed in two languages side-by-side. With each story narrated in your target language. As a result, you’ll hear the words precisely as they’re said in the language you’re learning.
Beelinguapp has an entire library selection of bilingual audiobooks for you to choose from, including your favorite childhood fairytales to some of the world’s popular classics. There's also a Flashcards feature to help you master new vocabulary daily. And a playlist of fun tunes to make learning a second language something you can do, while dancing around the kitchen in the refrigerator light. *Cue All Too Well by Taylor Swift.*
You can get Beelinguapp on Apple or Google Play Store for free. What are you waiting for, download it now!
Tip 4: Consume a lot of content
Reading and listening to one audiobook daily is good. But reading and listening to more than two audiobooks daily is even better. If you have time to spare, listen to several audiobooks. Really try to consume as much content as you can because this is how you learn and understand information in your target language. The more you read and listen to your content of choice, the more you dive deeper into the language.