Learn How To Talk About Farm Animals In Brazilian Portuguese

Unsplash: Judith Prins
There’s this world-renowned farmer, that you probably had already heard of. His name is Old McDonald. Old McDonald lives in a house on this beautiful farm. And on his beautiful farm, live his many animals. Animals that cluck. Animals that quack. Animals that look alike. Animals that don’t look alike. And many more.
These farm animals are near and dear to Old McDonald’s heart. They are cute and cuddly. They are lively. Some are big. Some are small. Some swim. Some don’t at all. These animals or animais in Brazilian Portuguese are all different in shape and size and color. But one thing they all have in common is their appreciation for their home on Old McDonald's beautiful farm. E-I-E-I-O.
Now, Old McDonald wants to do something new. He wants to learn a new language like Brazilian Portuguese. He believes that learning how to talk about animals in Brazilian Portuguese is a great start to his language studies. What do you think?
Curious to know what Old McDonald’s farm animals are called in Brazilian Portuguese? Scroll down and check out this quick guide to learn how!
A Galinha (a ga-lin-ya) – Chicken

Unsplash: Donna Elliot
A Vaca (a va-ca) – Cow

Unsplash: Maros Misove
O Ganso (oo gan-soh) – Goose

Unsplash: Swati Kedia
O Porco (oo por-kuh) – Pig

Unsplash: Laura Anderson
O Galo (oo ga-loo) – Rooster

Unsplash: Michael Anfang
O Burro (oo bu-ho) – Donkey

Unsplash: Jennifer Uppendahl
O Bode (oo bo-jeh) – Goat

Unsplash: Jorge Salvador
O Cavalo (oo ca-va-loo) – Horse

Unsplash: Raphael Wicker
A Ovelha (a o-vel-ya) – Sheep

Unsplash: Ilse Orsel
O Peru (oo pe-ru) – Turkey

Unsplash: William Stark
Learn Brazilian Portuguese