Vietnamese New Year: Well Wishes For Friends & Family

Unsplash: Quan Tran
Celebrations, particularly important celebrations, happen all over this little planet we call home. These celebrations vary as well from birthday celebrations to anniversaries to holidays and many, many more you can think of. Anyhoo, one of the very important celebrations that many people celebrate is the New Year. And New Year celebrations are quite special and different for a lot of people.
For example, in Vietnam, the most important celebration is the Vietnamese New Year, also known as Tết. By the way, Tết is short for Tết Nguyên Đán which means Festival of the first day. The festival is usually celebrated at the same time as the Chinese New Year. It is an event celebrated with friends, family, and many more loved ones. And in Vietnamese culture, celebrating Tết isn’t just about food and reunions and traditions. Because Tết is about looking forward to a new, refreshing, happier, brighter future.
- Common Wishes
- Happy New Year: Chúc mừng Năm Mới (chook moong nam moy)
- I wish you a healthy new year: Năm mới dồi dào sức khỏe (nam moy zoy zaw sook kho-eh)
- I wish that the new year will bring health to your family: Năm mới toàn gia bình an (nahm moy twahn jha bing ahn)
- Congratulations and be prosperous:b> Cung hỉ phát tài (koong hee fat tie)
- May things go your way: Vạn sự như ý (vuhn soo nhuu ee)
- Wishes to Say to Elders and Grandparents
- Wishing you a new year with good health, affluence, peace and happiness all year long: Chúc ông bà năm mới bốn mùa mạnh khoẻ, quanh năm sung túc an vui (chook ohng bah nahm moy bon moo-ah mahn kho-eh kwan nahm soong took an voo-uy)
- May you live a hundred years: Chuc ong ba song lau tram tuoi (chook ohng bah sohng lau trahm too-uy)
- Wishes to Say to Parents
- Wishing you a new year with health and happiness: Chúc bố mẹ năm mới sức khoẻ, niềm vui và hạnh phúc (chook boh meh nahm moy sook kho-eh, nee-em voo-uy va hanh fook)
- Wishing you a new year with good health, satisfying work and lots of laughter: Chúc bố mẹ năm mới sức khoẻ, công việc thuận lợi và tràn ngập tiếng cười (chook boh meh nahm moy sook kho-eh, kohng vee-ehk thoo-ahn loy va trahn ngahp ting koy)
- Wish to Say to Friends
- Be successful at work: Làm ăn tấn tới (lahm an tahn toyy)
- I wish you a healthy new year: Năm mới dồi dào sức khỏe (nahm moy zoy zow sook kho-eh)
- Happy new year: Chúc mừng Năm Mới (chook moong nahm moy)
- May things go your way: Vạn sự như ý (vuhn soo nyu ee)
- Best wishes for the new spring: Cung chúc Tân Xuân (koong chook tahn soo-ahn)