What Are Sports Like Baseball & Soccer Called In Korean

26 October 2024
By Sarah Angela Almaden
Japanese House
Unsplash: Ruben Christen

That’s the way we spell sports! There are a lot of sports out there. And I’d like to think I can name most of them. But I don’t think I can. I’d also like to think I can play most of them. But I have to be honest, I don’t think I can. And that’s okay because I can at least appreciate them from afar.

On the other hand, if I were to play a sport or several sports and fail, that’s also alright. Failing isn’t too bad and I’d have fun either way. Okay, failing probably isn’t the best word for it so maybe not knowing how to play it well might be the more correct phrasing.

Volleyball is my exception… I don’t want to play it, not yet. I’m still scared of that ball. I’d tell you why, but this is not the time. Maybe later. Anyway, playing volleyball wouldn't be an option for now. However, knowing how to say “volleyball” and other sports names in French sounds a lot more fun and appealing with cherries on top...

  • the soccer: le football (luh foot-ball), le foot (luh foot)
  • the tennis: le tennis (luh ten-nees)
  • the basketball: le basketball (luh bas-ket-bal), le basket (luh bas-ket)
  • the volleyball: le volley-ball (luh vol-lay-ball)
  • the sailing: la voile (lah vwahl)
  • the boxing: la boxe (lah box)
  • the rugby: le rugby (luh rug-bee)
  • the cricket: le cricket (luh kree-ket)
  • the wrestling: la lutte (lah loot)
  • the golf: le golf (luh golf)
  • the surfing: le surf (luh surf)
  • the handball: le handball (luh hand-ball)
  • the baseball: le baseball (luh base-ball)
  • the field hockey: le hockey sur gazon (luh haw-kay sur gah-zon)
  • the ice hockey: le hockey sur glace (luh haw-kay sur glass)
  • the gymnastics: la gymnastique (lah jeem-nas-teek)
  • the cycling: le cyclisme (luh see-kleesm)
  • the ice skating: le patin à glaces (luh pah-tan ah glass)
  • the rowing: l’aviron (lah-vee-ron)
  • the swimming: la natation (lah nah-ta-syon)
  • the diving: la plongée (lah plon-jay)
  • the skiing: le ski (luh skee)
  • the taekwondo: le taekwondo (luh tay-kwon-do)
  • the karate: le karaté (luh kah-rah-tay)
  • the judo: le judo (luh joo-do)
  • the fencing: l’escrime (less-kreem)

Play a sport & learn French today!