Learn How To Talk About Clothes In Italian

Unsplash: Katy Cao
I don’t know about you but sometimes I find doing laundry a bit fun and therapeutic. Like I look forward to doing laundry everryyy weekend. It probably helps that I have a routine and a playlist tailored to it, so it doesn’t ever feel like a boring chore to me. Oh, and I somehow make sure to start my laundry activities right before the sun rises. It’s as if I’m doing laundry for the sunrise plot — who even knows.
Here’s the catch: my idea of doing laundry is really just neatly putting all my dirty clothes in the washing machine and pressing the start cycle. And when I am putting all my dirty clothes in the washer, I like counting all that gets thrown in there. Once the wash is done, I toss all the clothes in the dryer. Strangely enough, something mysterious seems to always happen in the dryer, because one way or another I end up losing one sock. Maybe, just maybe, losing one sock is the price I have to pay for using the dryer to dry clothes… sigh… and that kind of sucks because I do like my socks.
Anyway, how do you feel about doing laundry? Do you ever lose a sock or a pair of socks or other pieces of clothing like a shirt or a pair of blue jeans?
- the clothes: i vestiti (ee ves-tee-tee)
- the socks: i calzini (ee kal-tzee-nee)
- the sock: il calzino (eel kal-tzee-noh)
- the dress: il vestito (eel ves-tee-to)
- the blouse: la camicetta (la ka-mee-chet-tah)
- the t-shirt: la maglietta (la mal-yet-tah)
- the suit: il completo (eel kom-pleh-to)
- the underwear: la biancheria intima (la bee-ahn-ke-ree-ah in-ti-mah)
- the pajamas: il pigiama (eel pee-ja-ma)
- the coat: il cappotto (eel cap-pot-to)
- the sweater: il maglione (eel mal-yoh-neh)
- the skirt: la gonna (la gon-na)
- the shirt: la camicia (la ka-mee-cha)
- the swimsuit: il costume da bagno (eel kos-too-meh da ban-yo)
- the scarf: la sciarpa (la shar-pah)
- the pants: i pantaloni (ee pan-ta-lo-nee)
- the jeans: i jeans (ee jeens)
- the cap: il berretto (eel ber-ret-to)
- the shorts: i shorts (ee shorts)
- the sweatshirt: la felpa (la fel-pa)
- the raincoat: l'impermeabile (leem-per-mea-ab-leh)
- the cardigan: il cardigan (eel car-dee-gan)