How To Count From 1 To 100 In Swedish

Unsplash: J. Schiemann
It’s been a wonderful and eventful day, but now you cannot go to sleep. What do you do? You count fluffy, soft sheep and hopefully, then you’re off to dreamland. One fluffy, soft sheep. Two fluffy, soft sheep. Three fluffy, soft sheep. Four fluffy, soft sheep. Five fluffy, soft sheep. Six fluffy, soft sheep. Seven fluffy, soft sheep. Eight fluffy, soft sheep. All this sheep counting should make you stretch out your arms and let out a gentle yawn. Yaaawwn. And you’re back to counting fluffy, soft sheep. Nine fluffy, soft sheep. Ten fluffy, soft sheep. Yawn. Eleven fluffy, soft sheep. Yawn. Twelve fluffy, soft sheep. Yawn. Thirteen fluffy, soft sheep. Yawn. Yaaawwn. Off you go to catch some Zs. Nighty night.
Counting sheep is just one of the many exercises to help you drift off into a peaceful beauty sleep. You can think of this simple and boring sleep tactic as your non-melatonin pill for a sweet slumber. Plus, you can count sheep in any language you want. You can count sheep in English or German or even Swedish. If you want to count your fluffy, soft sheep in Swedish, here’s your counting guide from 1 to 100.
- 0: noll (noll)
- 1: ett (et) / en (en)
- 2: två (tvoo)
- 3: tre (tre)
- 4: fyra (feera)
- 5: fem (fem)
- 6: sex (sex)
- 7: sju (herewh) *think of this word as if you’re blowing something
- 8: åtta (ohtah)
- 9: nio (neeyoo)
- 10: tio (teeoo)
- 11: elva (elva)
- 12: tolv (tolv)
- 13: tretton (treton)
- 14: fjorton (fyorton)
- 15: femton (femton)
- 16: sexton (sexton)
- 17: sjutton (herewhton)
- 18: arton (arton)
- 19: nitton (nitton)
- 20: tjugo (tschugo) / tjugi (tschugi) / tjuge (tschugeh)
- 21: tjugoett (tschugo ett)
- 22: tjugotvå (tschugo tvoo)
- 23: tjugotre (tschugo tre)
- 24: tjugofyra (tschugo feera)
- 25: tjugofem (tschugo fem)
- 26: tjugosex (tschugo sex)
- 27: tjugosju (tschugo herewh)
- 28: tjugoåtta (tschugo ohtah)
- 29: tjugonio (tschugo neeyoo)
- 30: trettio (treteeyoo) / tretti (treti)
- 31: trettioett (treteeyoo et)
- 32: trettiotvå (treteeyoo tvoo)
- 33: trettiotre (treteeyoo tre)
- 34: trettiofyra (treteeyoo feera)
- 35: trettiofem (treteeyoo fem)
- 36: trettiosex (treteeyoo sex)
- 37: trettiosju (treteeyoo herewh)
- 38: trettioåtta (treteeyoo ohtah)
- 39: trettionio (treteeyoo neeyoo)
- 40: fyrtio (feerteeyoo)
- 41: fyrtioett (feerteeyoo et)
- 42: fyrtiotvå (feerteeyoo tvoo)
- 43: fyrtiotre (feerteeyoo tre)
- 44: fyrtiofyra (feerteeyoo feera)
- 45: fyrtiofem (feerteeyoo fem)
- 46: fyrtiosex (feerteeyoo sex)
- 47: fyrtiosju (feerteeyoo herewh)
- 48: fyrtioåtta (feerteeyoo ohtah)
- 49: fyrtionio (feerteeyoo neeyoo)
- 50: femtio (femteeyoo) / femti (femtee)
- 51: femtioett (femteeyoo et)
- 52: femtiotvå (femteeyoo tvoo)
- 53: femtiotre (femteeyoo tre)
- 54: femtiofyra (femteeyoo feera)
- 55: femtiofem (femteeyoo fem)
- 56: femtiosex (femteeyoo sex)
- 57: femtiosju (femteeyoo herewh)
- 58: femtioåtta (femteeyoo ohtah)
- 59: femtionio (femteeyoo neeyoo)
- 60: sextio (sexteeyoo) / sexti (sexti)
- 61: sextioett (sexteeyoo et)
- 62: sextiotvå (sexteeyoo tvoo)
- 63: sextiotre (sexteeyoo tre)
- 64: sextiofyra (sexteeyoo feera)
- 65: sextiofem (sexteeyoo fem)
- 66: sextiosex (sexteeyoo sex)
- 67: sextiosju (sexteeyoo herewh)
- 68: sextioåtta (sexteeyoo ohtah)
- 69: sextionio (sexteeyoo neeyoo)
- 70: sjuttio (herewhteeyoo) / sjutti (herewhtee)
- 71: sjuttioett (herewhteeyoo et)
- 72: sjuttiotvå (herewhteeyoo tvoo)
- 73: sjuttiotre (herewhteeyoo tre)
- 74: sjuttiofyra (herewhteeyoo feera)
- 75: sjuttiofem (herewhteeyoo fem)
- 76: sjuttiosex (herewhteeyoo sex)
- 77: sjuttiosju (herewhteeyoo herewh)
- 78: sjuttioåtta (herewhteeyoo ohtah)
- 79: sjuttionio (herewhteeyoo neeyoo)
- 80: åttio (ohteeyoo) / åtti (ohtee)
- 81: åttioett (ohteeyoo et)
- 82: åttiotvå (ohteeyoo tvoo)
- 83: åttiotre (ohteeyoo tre)
- 84: åttiofyra (ohteeyoo feera)
- 85: åttiofem (ohteeyoo fem)
- 86: åttiosex (ohteeyoo sex)
- 87: åttiosju (ohteeyoo herewh)
- 88: åttioåtta (ohteeyoo ohtah)
- 89: åttionio (ohteeyoo neeyoo)
- 90: nittio (neeteeyoo) / nitti (neetee)
- 91: nittioett (neeteeyoo et)
- 92: nittiotvå (neeteeyoo tvoo)
- 93: nittiotre (neeteeyoo tre)
- 94: nittiofyra (neeteeyoo feera)
- 95: nittiofem (neeteeyoo fem)
- 96: nittiosex (neeteeyoo sex)
- 97: nittiosju (neeteeyoo herewh)
- 98: nittioåtta (neeteeyoo ohtah)
- 99: nittionio (neeteeyoo neeyoo)
- 100: hundra (hundra)