How To Say “Soccer” In Different Languages

Unsplash: VietNam Beautiful
They say that there are 12 of those black patches or panels
on a soccer ball. Now, I would agree if I did know how many
of those are on a soccer ball. But I don’t know how many of
those are on a soccer ball. I just know that a soccer ball
is not entirely covered in black patches. That how a soccer
ball looks reminds me of how a
looks – something white covered in spots. And then you kick
it with your foot, you kick the ball with enough force to
score a goal. Boom. That’s sort of how you play soccer or
football, but not American football with that oblong-ish
ball. Oh, and you don’t kick Dalmatians or any dogs for that
matter. Please don’t.
Soccer or football
is one of the most popular sports on the planet. Or maybe it
is the most popular sport on the planet. I guess the title
of the most popular sport would vary depending on who you
ask. But let’s face it, soccer or football is surely up
there. It is even known as “The Beautiful Game” and I think
that’s because the game is played in this mesmerizing way
that won’t make you look away. Seriously, the
soccer players
move around the pitch with such fluidity and grace, as if
you are looking at a dance or something. Or maybe that’s
just the way I view it. Anyway, even if you’re not into
soccer (aka football) or any sports at all, you should at
least watch one game to see what the fuss is about. Who
knows you might enjoy it. And the next thing you know you’re
picking a team to root
for. Ha.
- English: soccer (sa-ker), football (foot-ball)
- German: der Fußball (dehr foos-bahl)
- Dutch: het voetbal (het voot-bahl)
- Indonesian: sepak bola (se-pak bo-la)
- Polish: piłka nożna (pee-oo-ka nozh-nah)
- Greek: ποδόσφαιρο (po-dos-feh-roh)
- Italian: il calcio (il cal-cho)
- Spanish: el fútbol (el fut-bol)
- Filipino: soccer (sah-ker), futbol (fut-bol)
- French: le football (luh foot-bal), le foot (luh foot)
- Ukrainian: футбол (fut-bol)
- Finnish: jalkapallo (yahl-kah-pahl-loh)
- Swedish: fotboll (fot-bohl)
- Norwegian: fotball (fot-bal)
- Turkish: futbol (foot-bal)
- Russian: футбол (foot-bal)
- Japanese: サッカー (sak-ka)
- Mandarin Chinese: 足球 (zú qiú)
- European Portuguese: o futebol (oh fut-bol)
- Brazilian Portuguese: o futebol (oh foo-tche-bol)
- Vietnamese: bóng đá (bong dah)
- Esperanto: futbalo (foot-ba-loh)
- Swahili: soka (soh-kah)
- Korean: 축구 (chuk-goo)
- Arabic: كرة القدم (kurat al-qadam)
- Hindi: फुटबॉल (foot-bawl)