How To Say “Basketball” In Different Languages
20 May 2024
By Sarah Angela Almaden

FB Basketball Lomas Tampico: Angel Saldierna
I don’t really play basketball. But when I do (which is like very rare), I think of the song “Get’cha Head in the Game” from High School Musical (HSM 1 not 2 or 3). I think of the song as if it’s my motivational anthem to keep my head in this balling sports game even if I don’t make a shot. Then I try to fake right and break left because that’s what the song says. It’s a really good tip, you know. So when you gotta play B-ball, remember to keep your head in the game. And don’t be afraid to shoot the outside J. That means to really go for it, shoot your shot, even if it’s a long-distance shot as in a jump shot.
- English: basketball (bas-ket-bal)
- Dutch: het basketbal (het bah-sket-bal)
- German: der Basketball (der bah-sket-bal)
- French: le basket (luh bah-sket), le basket-ball (luh bah-sket)
- Italian: il basket (eel bah-sket)
- Spanish: el baloncesto (el bah-lon-seh-stoh), el basquetbol (el bah-sket-bol)
- Filipino: basketbol (bah-sket-bol)
- Indonesian: basket (bah-sket)
- Japanese: バスケットボール, basukettobōru, (bah-soo-keh-toh-boh-roo)
- Swahili: mpira wa vikapu (m-pee-rah wah vee-kah-poo)
- Esperanto: korbopilko (kor-bo-peel-ko)
- Korean: 농구 (nohng-goo)
- Mandarin Chinese: 篮球, lánqiú (lan-chyo)
- Turkish: basketbol (bah-sket-bol)
- European Portuguese: o basquetebol (oo bash-keh-teh-bol)
- Finnish: koripallo (koh-ree-pahl-loh)
- Swedish: basket (bah-sket)
- Norwegian: basketball (bah-sket-bahl)
- Polish: koszykówka (ko-shee-koov-kah)
- Ukrainian: баскетбол (bas-ket-BOL)
- Vietnamese: bóng rổ (bahng roh)
- Russian: баскетбол (bas-ket-BOL)
- Brazilian Portuguese: o basquete (oo bah-SKEH-chee)