Bilingual Action Audiobooks

The exciting way to learn!

We all know how exciting stories can be. So many of our cult classics, from children’s stories to action movie heroes, started their lives in the printed word. Put some excitement into your daily language studies by reading or listening to audiobooks such as Peter Pan, Gulliver’s Travels, The Count of Monte Cristo and the Adventures of Aladdin.

Read what you want, when you want.

10 minutes a day is all you need to see yourself making steady progress in your target language. Read any story from our extensive library in both your own language and the language you’re studying, seeing the text of both languages side-by-side as you go.

The benefit of our system is that you can get into a steady flow of reading, without having to stop every few minutes to look up new words. You’ll be less likely to feel frustrated or confused, and instead you’ll be able to enjoy the story you’re reading while simultaneously learning new words in your target language.

If you’d like to train your listening skills, then you can also choose to listen to the audio recording at the same time. All of our stories are narrated by native speakers, so you have the opportunity to hear how the language is spoken in real life. It doesn’t take any extra time to listen while you read, so you can maximize the amount of language input you get. You’ll be amazed how much you can achieve in just 10 minutes a day!

When you’ve finished reading, you can answer a short set of comprehension questions to help you check that you’ve understood what you’ve just read and/or listened to. Download Beelinguapp and learn Spanish, Japanese, Korean, French, Chinese, German, Italian as well as 7 other languages!


 Hatırlanması Gereken Bir Yolculuk
Hatırlanması Gereken Bir Yolculuk
 Tarzan (Alıntı)
Tarzan (Alıntı)
 Hazine Adası
Hazine Adası
 Monte Kristo Kontu (Alıntı)
Monte Kristo Kontu (Alıntı)
 Seksen Günde Devrialem (Özet); Bölüm II
Seksen Günde Devrialem (Özet); Bölüm II
 Seksen Günde Devrialem (Özet); Bölüm I
Seksen Günde Devrialem (Özet); Bölüm I
 Bir Köpeğin Öyküsü; Bölüm V
Bir Köpeğin Öyküsü; Bölüm V
 Bir Köpeğin Öyküsü; Bölüm IV
Bir Köpeğin Öyküsü; Bölüm IV
 Bir Köpeğin Öyküsü; Bölüm III
Bir Köpeğin Öyküsü; Bölüm III
 Bir Köpeğin Öyküsü; Bölüm II
Bir Köpeğin Öyküsü; Bölüm II
 Bir Köpeğin Öyküsü; Bölüm I
Bir Köpeğin Öyküsü; Bölüm I


When is the best time to study?
Can I learn through reading and listening to audiobooks?
How often should I study?

Beelinguappı bugün indirin

Beelinguapp has plenty of exciting stories for all of us Action fans! The app is available for both iOS and Android, and you can download Beelinguapp right now from the link below.

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