"The Many Ways To Say “I Love You” In German"

Unsplash: Honey Fangs
When thinking about how to profess your love to someone, you wouldn’t dare to think of using German soppy declarations, right? Well, that’s totally understandable given that there's a tired stereotype that German is an ugly language and it sounds too harsh and aggressive. Blah. Blah. Blah. Blech. Sorry not sorry to pop your bubble, but that old trope is so last season and definitely not true. If you really pay attention to how German is spoken, you’d hear a rather unique and soothing sound (not to mention the German accent varies all over Germany). Therefore, professing your love in Deutsch is more than possible without sounding gruff.
Like many languages, there are more than three ways to say “I love you” or “Ich liebe dich” in German. You can say “I love you” in a very bubble-gum-pink kind of way or you can say “I love you” in a very everlasting-sweep-you-off-your-feet kind of way. Really, there is an endless list of love declarations in the German language. Here’s a short list to begin with.
- I love you: Ich liebe dich (ich libeh dic)
- I love you too: Ich liebe dich auch (ich libeh dic auckh)
- I love you very much: Ich liebe dich so sehr (ich libeh dic zo ze-ehr)
- I love you more: Ich liebe dich mehr (ich libeh dic me-ehr)
- I'm in love with you: Ich bin in dich verliebt (ich bin in dic ferleebt)
- I adore you: Ich verehre dich (ich fer-eeruh dic)
- I love you all: Ich hab euch alle lieb (ich hab oych alleh leeb)
- I think I love you: Ich glaube ich liebe dich (ich glawbeh ich libeh dic)
- I love the way you are: Ich liebe dich so wie du bist (ich libeh dic zo vee du bist)
- I love spending time with you: Ich liebe es Zeit mit dir zu verbringen (ich libeh es zeit mit dir zu verbringen)
- I love this: Ich liebe das hier (ich libeh das he-ehr)
- I appreciate you: Ich schätze dich (ich schatzeh dic)
- I love you to the moon and back: Ich liebe dich bis zum Mond und zurück (ich libeh dic bis zum mond und zuruk)
- I've fallen for you: Ich habe mich in dich verliebt (ich habeh mic dic ferleebt)
- I will always love you: Ich werde dich immer lieben (ich verdeh dic im-mer liben)
- I love you guys: Ich hab euch lieb (ich hab oych leeb)
- I love you three thousand: Ich liebe dich mal Dreitausend (ich libeh dic mal dry-taw-send)
- I never stopped loving you: Ich habe nie aufgehört dich zu lieben (ich habeh nee awf-ghort dic zu liben)
- I love you more than anything: Ich liebe dich mehr als alles andere (ich libeh dic me-ehr als alles andereh)