Los Colores: How To Name and Pronounce Them

Unsplash: marco forno
Red. Orange. Yellow. Green. Blue. Indigo. Violet. Those are the colors of the rainbow in English. But do you know how to say them in Spanish? If you don't, that's okay because you can use this guide to help you along the way.
We are surrounded by color all the time: the colorful rainbow, the green grass, the blue sky, the yellow sunflower, the red bird, and so on. Okay, you might not be seeing these things right now. But if you look around you, you’ll see other colors plopped up and down defining where you are. How many colors are there surrounding you? How many shades of brown are there? How many hues of white are there? The answer might be one too many to count, and again, that’s because we are surrounded by a spectrum of colors all the time. Perhaps, that’s something you cannot hide and get away from. So if you’re studying Spanish, you might want to learn the names and pronunciation of different colors to help you describe and distinguish specific things. When you’ve mastered the art of colors, you may begin to learn how to count in Spanish.
Lavender – Lavanda (la-van-da)

Unsplash: volant
Magenta – Magenta (ma-gen-ta)

Unsplash: Jon Leona
Blue – Azul (a-zul)

Unsplash: Kaede KBYS
Yellow – Amarillo (a-ma-ri-yo)

Unsplash: Giorgio Trovato
Orange – Naranja (na-ran-ha)

Unsplash: Photoholgic
Brown – Marrón (ma-ron)

Unsplash: Hwang sanguk
White – Blanco (blang-koh) or Blanca (blang-kah)

Unsplash: Rémi Rémino
Purple – Morado (mo-ra-do) or Morada (mo-ra-da)

Unsplash: Mike Meyers
Green – Verde (ver-de)

Unsplash: Subhan Shahzad
Black – Negro (neg-ro) or Negra (neg-ra)

Unsplash: Jonathan Cosens Photography
Red – Rojo (ro-ho)

Unsplash: Matt Seymour
Beige – Beige (beish)

Unsplash: Ruan Richard Rodrigues
Pink – Rosa (ro-sa)

Unsplash: Martin de Arriba
Gray – Gris (grees)

Unsplash: Ankhesenamun
Turquoise – Turquesa (tur-ke-sa)

Unsplash: benjamin lehman
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