Learn Spanish with "We Don't Talk About Bruno" and Other Songs from "Encanto"

Abre los ojos (open your eyes) to the magical Madrigals of Disney’s “Encanto!” The members of the Madrigal family, except for Mirabel, are blessed by a miraculous candle with a special gift. And their gifts helped restore the strength and grow the beauty of the community. Despite Mirabel’s lack of magic, she realized that her determination is her superpower, which she uses to bring hope into even the darkest of times.
Learn Spanish with the music of “Encanto”
The movie’s magic realism helped showcase a timeless tale of forgiveness, humility, and love in a family. Not only that, but the fantastical Madrigals taught us Spanish vocabulary and Colombian culture.
Despite the charm and relevant theme of the story, the musical fantasy has a playlist of enchanting tunes that add shades of vibrant hues to your world. In fact the soundtrack is influenced by Colombian folk music, with a combination of reggaeton, salsa, cumbia, mapale, hip hop, theater music, and many more.
Each song has magic in every beat and its lyrics were written by Hamilton… I mean Lin-Manuel Miranda, with Germaine Franco composing the score. The Latin-pop soundtrack is made up of 44 tracks, with lyrics in both Spanish and English. The Encanto soundtrack has been topping the Billboard 200 for weeks and weeks. It was even nominated for two Oscars for Best Original Song and Best Score.
Listen to the lyrics of “Encanto” and let its music move you. Just remember, the magic is in you so let your shimmering star shine through! I’m ready for a karaoke party, are you?
Practice Spanish
Prep your tissues because this one is a weeper… “Dos Oruguitas” is a Spanish song performed by Sebastian Yatra, a Colombian singer-songwriter. With lyrics about love and yearning, growing and reuniting. The Spanish title, which translates to "Two Caterpillars" in English, is one of the film's most emotional and moving soundtracks.
The song is about two caterpillars who are so in love that they spend every waking moment together, growing and holding onto each other, on good and bad days. “Dos Oroguitas” isn't just any love song. The ballad is the love story of Abuela Alma Madrigal and her late husband Pedro Madrigal. Reminding people that love is a risk and takes sacrifice. But love is also a miracle so hang in there because wonders surround you just let the walls come down.
Get your dancing shoes ready because this one will get you dancing and prancing and swinging on vines… Oops, that might not be safe, but what else can you do? @thejaredbush what do you think?
“Inspiración” is the film’s vibrant duet sung by Diane Guerrero and Stephanie Beatriz. In the song, Isabela realizes that even though she is known as Isabela perfecta, there are still many things she can do to discover the beauty and depths of her magic. For example, by unabashedly expressing her feelings, she was able to create something new and unexpected, something sharp and beautiful, something colorful and unique. Not only that, but she was also able to reconcile and reconnect with her sister, which is a precious and priceless gift.
Isabela's song is a great reminder that you can do anything you want, as long as you put your mind to it. Nothing is impossible, as the saying goes.
No, this is not your typical MTV Cribs episode. In fact, this is a fantastical and magical introduction time with la familia Madrigal and their beloved casita.
From the cajones (drawers) to the pisos (floors) to Abuela who by the way runs this show, Mirabel doesn’t shy away from introducing us to her amazing family. There’s Abuela Alma and Abuelo Pedro. Tía Pepa whose mood affects the weather, tío Bruno… oh no, we don’t talk about Bruno. Moving on. Mamá Julieta, who can heal you with a meal. Tío Félix who married Pepa and Papa Agustín who married Mamá Julieta.
There’s more! Dolores has incredible hearing that she can hear anything and everything. Camilo shapeshifts and he can turn into a baby or anyone in the family in an instant. There’s Luisa who is super strong; she can move mountains and carry ten donkeys. Isabela who is perfect and graceful and can make beautiful flowers bloom all over town. Antonio, this adorable animal guy, gets his gift when you watch the movie. And Mirabel who has cool green glasses and who may or may not have a gift… find out after watching Encanto!
B-R-U-N-O, what’s that spell? Bruno… We’re not supposed to talk about B, no no no. But just for today we can probably say a thing or two about this glistening star.
The song topped the charts in countries like the United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand. The earworm is the only Disney song to reach number one on the US Billboard Hot 100 in the 21st century, and it has been translated into 46 languages, including Spanish, of course!
In this fan-favorite tune, the song talks about the estranged Bruno and his visions that predicted negative events. How he predicted rain on Pepa’s wedding day. How he foresaw an unexpected loss of someone’s goldfish. And the many more visions he saw. Spooky.
Hmmm, maybe we’re not supposed to talk about Bruno, because we are anxious to find out about our future, but what’s worse is that we might misinterpret what he’s saying…
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